[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座 (一百一十) ] 李丹枫:无限层镍氧化物中的“非常规”超导现象
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座 (一百零八) ] 张文涛:量子材料的时间分辨角分辨光电子能谱研究
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座 (一百零七) ] 戴少涛:超导能源科学技术
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座 (一百零六) ] 吴颉: Interface superconductivity in cuprate heterostructures
The interface superconductivity is a fascinating phenomenon that has evolved into an exciting new frontier for researchers of superconductivity. By epitaxial growth of a heterostructure with two non-superconducting parent compounds, superconductivity is found to take place only at one of the interfacial layers, e.g. as elucidated by the d-doping experiment. Despite of the thrilling progresses in discovering heterostructures with interface superconductivity, such as LaAlO3/SrTiO3, FeSe/SrTiO3, LaAlO3/KTaO3 etc., the studies on the mechanism of interface superconductivity fall behind and a general theory is still not at sight. In this talk, I’ll review the key steps in the research of interface superconductivity and in particular focus on the interface superconductivity in the La2-xSrxCuO4/La2CuO4 bilayer. I’ll present what we have learned by varying the chemical doping x in a wide range of 0.16 < x < 1 and show how the interface superconductivity behaves in response to the tuning of x. A theoretical model will be discussed to conclude the roles of interfacial charge transfer, caution interdiffusion, and charge localization.
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座 (一百零五) ] 李源:中子散射在非常规超导和电子态探测中的运用
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座 (一百零四) ] 周克瑾:A glimpse of RIXS and its applications in quantum materials
Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) is a photon-in photon-out spectroscopic technique utilizing highly intense and monochromatized X-rays to probe the excitations in materials of interest. By selectively working at the resonant thresholds of an element, collective excitations or ordered states, such as magnons, orbitons, plasmons, phonons, charge-density waves, can be probed in the energy-momentum space. Owing to its high cross-section and focused X-ray beam, RIXS is advantageous in measuring micron-size samples and nanometre-thick films.
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座 (一百零二) ] 魏斌:超导多通带滤波器和宽带滤波器简介
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座 (一百零一) ] 孙亮:高温超导微波器件及应用研究
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座 (一百) ]吕力:Anomalous Magnetic Moments as Evidence of Chiral Superconductivity in Bi/Ni Bilayer
There have been continuous efforts in searching for unconventional superconductivity over the past five decades. But there still lacks of a common agreement on the existence of chiral superconductivity with broken time reversal symmetry (TRS) and spontaneous magnetization. Bi/Ni epitaxial bilayer is a potential unconventional superconductor with broken TRS, for that it demonstrates superconductivity and ferromagnetism simultaneously at low temperatures [1,2]. In this talk, I will present our phase-sensitive investigation on Bi/Ni [3]. We employ a specially designed superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) constructed in situ on the Bi/Ni bilayer, to detect the orbital magnetic moment which is expected if the TRS is broken. An anomalous hysteretic magnetic response has been observed in the superconducting state, providing the evidence for the existence of chiral superconducting domains in the material.