[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(八十八)] Studies of superconductors using microwave technique
I will introduce several examples of studies of superconductor using microwave complex conductivity measurement, together with techniques developed for those purposes. More explicitly, the followings are the list of the subject I am going to talk.
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(八十七)] Intertwined Orders in the Cuprate Superconductor and the Underlying Organization Principle
A sensible phenomenology of the complex phase diagram and rich phenomenon in the high-Tc cuprate calls for a microscopic understanding based on general principles. In this talk, I will identify a set of the most essential organization principles for the doped Mott insulator, which are argued to have captured the fundamental physics of the cuprate superconductor. Then I will exemplify their nature as the exotic long-range entanglement of many-body quantum mechanics by using the exact numerical tools of exact diagonalization and density matrix renormalization group, which are applied to some special cases of finite size/limited geometry to demonstrate the consequences of the general principle. Next, I will focus on the phase diagram relevant to the experiments in the cuprate, and show that it may be unified by a “parent”ground state ansatz constructed based on the organization principles. Here the superconducting state is of non-BCS nature with modified London equation and new elementary excitations. In particular, the two-gap structure and dichotomy between the nodal and antinodal regimes in the superconducting state, the origin of Fermi arc in the pseudogap regime, and the strange metal behavior in the high-temperature regime will be discussed as part of the emergent phenomenon.
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(八十六)] 扫描隧道谱和量子杂质探测非常规超导体电子配对机制
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(八十五)] Recent Progress in Two-dimensional Superconductors
Two-dimensional (2D) superconductors have become an important platform to study high Tc superconductivity and novel quantum physics. After a brief introduction to superconductivity and 2D superconductivity, I would like to talk about the recent progress in experimental studies for 2D crystalline superconductors. The topics are mainly focused on quantum metal state, quantum Griffiths singularity, Ising superconductivity, interface superconductivity, high Tc and topological superconductivity. [1-8]
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(八十四)] 拓扑序材料——有量子记忆的材料:理论和实验
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(八十三)] 高温超导材料实用化进展与挑战
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(八十二)] 超导薄膜的制备与高温超导机理研究
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(八十一)] CALYPSO凝聚态结构预测方法及其在高压相富氢化合物超导体上的应用
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(八十)] 关联电子材料的高压同步辐射研究
[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(七十九)] Combinatorial Approach to Materials Discovery,Machine Learning, and Topological Superconductor