

[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(七十八)] 低温比热测量和Cr基超导体研究

[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(七十七)] 高温超导体的MuSR 研究

[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(七十六)] 超导基本知识回顾

[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(七十五)] μSR studies of unconventional Fe and Cr-based superconductors

[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(七十四)] 实用化超导量子干涉器件SQUID及其在地球物理探测领域的应用

[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(七十三)] 非常规超导体的输运性质

[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(七十二)] 高温超导电性机理研究进展

[超导基础理论和实验技术系列讲座(六十九)] Vortices in superconductors: All the physics in a single grip

We discuss physics of Abrikosov vortices in type II superconductors. Abrikosov vortices, which are the topological excitations of the superconducting order parameter, exhibit a wealth of fascinating properties and phenomena. An interplay of vortex-vortex interactions, thermal fluctuations, and disorder leads to a rich phase diagram and novel phases: Bose and vortex glasses and vortex Mott state. In a glassy state, vortices exhibit nonlinear glassy dynamics, vortex creep. The correspondence between the quantum mechanics and statistical physics makes vortex systems a perfect and unique laboratory for studying many-body quantum strongly correlated systems, in particular out-of-equilibrium Mott transition which is hardly available by other means. In two dimensions vortices mediate Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition bringing a new paradigm, topological phase transition. The duality between vortices and Cooper pairs in two dimensions results in novel superinsulating and Bose-metal states. Finally, vortices became a platform for new development in physics: a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian theory of out of equilibrium phase transitions.